P4B-Mrs Devlin
Welcome to P4B!
What can I say? It hasn’t exactly been the year that we had planned but I am still so proud of every single one of you! During term 1&2 I couldn’t believe how much you had grown and matured. I know things are not easy right now but I know you will all do your best and will keep smiling through it all.
One of the biggest days in P4 is the children’s’ First Holy Communion. Although this has been postponed, we will continue to prepare for the journey through our Grow In Love work. Please remember to access this through the Home Learning Section of the website.
Reach out if you need anything: We’re in this together
Mrs Devlin x
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St. Paul's Primary School, 34-36 Mica Drive, Belfast BT12 7NN | Phone: 028 9032 8968