After School Clubs

St. Paul's PS are delighted to offer a range of After-School clubs.
Pupils are asked to attend clubs in the school sports uniform, suitable footwear and to dress appropriately for the weather when clubs are taught outside.
Parents are required to complete a consent form before a pupil may attend a club. This will provide you with further details of the activity. Parents should inform the coach of any medical conditions which may effect their child taking part in the club.
If you have any questions about After-Schools clubs please contact our After-Schools coordinator, Mr McKinney (P6B) via the school office or email:, marking the subject line for Mr McKinney's attention.
Our After school clubs at St Paul's are a home away from home for your child. We aim to offer a diverse programme which allow children to thrive in a stimulating yet warm and welcoming environment.
In September & October 2018 we offer:
Monday – Athletics with Miss K Doyle
Tuesday – Transfer tutoring with Miss R O’Neill & Mr M Kelly
Tuesday – Makaton with Mr O’Boyle
Tuesday – Recorder with Miss I Finnegan
Thursday – Creative Dance with Miss A Quinn
Thursday - Transfer tutoring with Miss R O’Neill & Mr M Kelly
New on our football squads and training to follow.
St. Paul's Primary School, 34-36 Mica Drive, Belfast BT12 7NN | Phone: 028 9032 8968