Letter to Pupils
4 June 2020
To all the Boys and Girls of St Paul’s
Hello my dear friends,
I hope you are all well and are continuing to try your best to work hard at home. As time goes by, our memories might fade a little or we may even just worry about not remembering everyone at school. This is natural and I just want to let you know I will never forget you and want to help you remember what we love so much about our St Paul’s school community – all of you. Please remember you have lots of friends in St Paul’s who miss you so much and look forward to seeing you all together again when it is safe to do so.
I am also very aware that you, our boys and girls in Year 7, will now not have the opportunity to gather together collectively to celebrate the end of your time in St Paul’s. Year 7, we are currently working on how we can mark your time here and will keep you updated in due course. Please be assured that I will make arrangements at some time in the future for you all to be together again to celebrate and give thanks for all you have achieved here in school — there is so much to be thankful for and I will not let it pass unnoticed.
Each week I continue to be amazed at how hard you are all working and I look forward to seeing all your wonderful work and beautiful happy faces being uploaded to our school website. Please have a look and see what lots of the other boys and girls have been up to the past few weeks, you may find some ideas of how you can stay busy, keep healthy and active and help pass some free time.
I have been amazed at the range of activities you have been engaged in, in addition to completing all your work. You have been playing, walking, running, cycling, gardening, building, baking, to name but a few. Your photographs are just wonderful. In my free time I have enjoyed doing a bit of gardening, walking with my daughters and our two dogs, the lovely sunny weather, longer evenings and some fresh air when I’m able to be outdoors.
Please continue to engage in these wonderful range of activities. It is so good to work together, play together, chat together and look after each other. Make the best of the warm sunny weather — it has been such a saving grace at this time. And please continue to send us your photographs, we are super impressed with all you are doing and I am so proud to be Principal of St Paul’s with such wonderful girls and boys.
This time of school closure isn’t always easy for any of us. There may indeed be times when you are finding it difficult — you may be struggling to get your work done or you may be missing everyone at school. Whatever the reason, it is really important that you talk to an adult at home and tell them how you are feeling. They will be able to help.
I came across this A to Z Guide and thought I’d send it to you — it contains lots of lovely ideas as to what you can do to help if you are having a difficult moment. There is something for everybody here — but just remember, you are all wonderful girls and boys. This time will pass and we will all be together again soon.
Keep up the great effort, keep smiling, be good for everyone at home and I so look forward to the day when we can all meet again in school.
Take care for now, God bless and remember this will pass!
Mr McNamee
A to Z of Coping Skills

St. Paul's Primary School, 34-36 Mica Drive, Belfast BT12 7NN | Phone: 028 9032 8968